
Sunday 17th Aug 2003

60 second car commercial for the US. Created at Ambience Entertainment.

I was brought onto the project from the outset, working closely with Director Rob Dupear and designer Morten Rowley on concepts and narrative before the pitch to the agency (attik).

I then previsualised the production with Rob, including the final motion control move. Then working on set supervising the translation of the maya camera data into Photon’s motion control rig.

The production took three months to complete, working with a team of 10 artists whom I directed as well as working on a number of sequences myself. Although incredibly challenging to complete within the schedule the commercial turned out well and was a joy to work on.

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Director : Rob Dupear
Agency Creative Director : Simon Needham (attik)
Ambience Creative Director : Eddy Herringson
Designer : Morten Rowley
Animation Director : Ben Cowell
3D : Andrew MacDonald, David Henderson, Bernard Stock, Prabhakar James, Dean Ervik, Phil Wittmer, Allan Mackay, Scott Tansley, Camella Cheng, Kanin Phemayothin.
